It was like an impossible dream for me to see the aurora. Finally I had the chance to visit Finland, because  of the  MATKA. I almost flew half way around the earth to make my dream come true. It was 36 hours flight from Sydney, Australia to Helsinki, Finland. I transferred twice in 2 airports. I took the night train and bus from Helsinki to Inari. It was a quite long trip to Lapland, but it was worth it. 

Inari was my priority place to see the aurora in Finland. I saw there were many people shared their experience for seeing the aurora there. Your biggest chance to see the Northern lights in Lapland Finland will be at a higher latitude. Arctic Circle: 66° 33' 39" N; Inari: 68° 39' 34”. Especially the lake Inari is a perfect place to watch the northern lights in Inari as it is an open space without light pollution.

The bus stopped in front of company. It was the first bus stop in Inari. The company offer hotel and cabin accommodation and a wide selection of wilderness safaris and Sámi culture tours all year round.

I was going to stay in Inari Aurora Resort. Let's go check in here.

Here is Check in reception. I talked with the staff for a while. She was so curious why so many Taiwanese came here to see the Norther lights. I answers her "We thought here is the best place to see the aurora in Finland." I think most of Taiwanese had the strong faith to see the Northern lights here, after all it is so far away from Taiwan to Finland.

I was sponsored by company to stay in this new hotel"Inari aurora resort". Double room from 138€/night. Single room from 118€/night. One person rooms are the same as for two persons. 

This hotel built in 2014. Excellent location for watching aurora. It's next to the Inari lake. All rooms have their own sauna and most rooms have a direct view onto Inari lake. The hotel is by the Inari lake, so you can see Northern Lights directly from there, you don't need any transfer.

The room key was so beautiful. Good sign to see the aurora tonight. 

You will get a breakfast voucher after check in. Presenting this voucher to HOTEL INARI, then you can enjoy the buffet breakfast. 

The entrance hallway view from the room. There was a small space to separate from the bedroom.  

There was a wardrobe in the entrance hallway. It's a simple and smart space design. You can leave your coat and shoes covered by the snow here, then your bedroom won't get wet. The snow can't go through the front door as well.

You still have another wardrobe in the bedroom.

You can see it was like a brand new room. I love the modern interior design.The precious metal color was a little bit luxury. 

You can see the Inari lake view when you open the curtain. You don't need to suffer in the cold weather for waiting the aurora. You can check the aurora in the room. 

All rooms have their own sauna.

You can enjoy the sauna with your partner or friend. It will be great to enjoy it after suffering in the very cold weather. 

The shower in the bathroom. 

The hair dryer in the bathroom.

The luxury resort low pressure rainfall shower head. You can enjoy a hot shower here. 

In the en-suite bathroom there was a sauna and shower. You can have a shower after and before the sauna. 

The hotel provided the energy shower gel. It's good for your skin and the earth.  

I was still so excited after the Aurora Snowmobile Expedition tourtour. I met one Taiwanese couple during my trip. They also stayed in Inari this night for seeing the aurora. They told me the aurora would finish soon, so I went to the Inari lake again to see the aurora. I only walked about 2-3 mins from my room to the Inari lake. I was so lucky to have found the dancing Aurora again. 

The Taiwanese took me this photo. I was so touched in this night. I was with my baby to see the amazing aurora. I only saw the ice lake in the movie, but I was standing on the ice lake in this night. Fantastic night in Inari. 

A little bit the aurora borealis with the hotel.

You can return your room key in this mailbox.

Thanks my sponsor company help me to see the beautiful aurora and stay in Inari Aurora Resort hotel. I had the wonderful experience with my baby in Inar. It was a little pity I only stayed in Inari about 13 hours, but I had a an unforgettable night here. company made my dream came true in Inari.

Hotel advantages

1.Great location! The hotel just next to the Inari lake. Most rooms have a direct view onto Inari lake. The best place to see the aurora. You can stay at room to wait for the aurora.

2.Brand new hotel and all rooms have their own sauna.

3.Free buffet breakfast in Inari Hotel.

4.Free WIFI

5.The bus stop is very close the hotel and the office.

Inari Aurora Resort Hotel 


Hotel:Inari Aurora Resort Hotel

Address: Inarintie 38, FI – 99870 Inari, Lapland – Finland

Office time :
7.12 – 31.3  Daily 9am- 7pm
1.4 – 6.12  Monday – Friday klo 9:30am – 5pm
Tel: +358 (0)40 179 6069

How to get there

Flight:From Helsinki to lvalo, You can take the taxi or bus to Inari Aurora Resort. You can contact hotel for the Airport transfers (at an additional cost).

Train+bus:Take the train from Helsinki to Rovaniemi, then next day to take the morning bus from Rovaniemi to Inari.

Train information  



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在出發前,位於芬蘭北極圈的Inari,本來就是Una預計追極光的首選之地。先前就看到不少網友分享在Inari看到極光的機率極高,原本打定主意就是在赫爾辛基參加完研討會後,就殺去Inari待幾天,看看自己是否能幸運的看到極光。基本上只要在芬蘭北極圈的Lapland區都有看到極光的機會,只是愈往高緯度走,看到極光的機率又會更高。北極圈的緯度是66°33′ 39",而Inari的緯度是68° 39' 34”。

巴士一到達Inari的第一站就是 旅行社的門口,這裡可以幫你安排各種活動和住宿,一整年都有很多活動可以選擇。

這裡也是我這次準備入住飯店Inari Aurora Resort的check in地點,現在就直接拖著行李進去Check in吧!

進來check in囉! 我跟照片中這位員工聊了許久,她說她很好奇,她遇到超多台灣人都來這裡看極光,都覺得來這裡就一定會看到極光。我回答說:「對啊!」心想:「台灣鄉民力量很大的,Inari真的就是台灣人認為在芬蘭最容易看到極光的地方啊!」台灣人大老遠從台灣飛來芬蘭看極光的信念很強好嗎?哈

很幸運的Una被贊助到這間去年才剛新落成的Inari Aurora Resort Hotel。每間都是雙人房,房價為138歐元起。老闆很好如果單人入住不會收雙人房的價錢,會比較便宜。單人入住房價118歐元起,房間價錢會因淡旺季而有所變動。


這間去年2014才新建的Inari Aurora Resort Hotel一樣位於Inari Lake旁,就位於Inari Hotel的後面而已,而且離Inari湖更近,大部分的房間都是可以看到湖景的。

Check in後,會發房間的磁卡給你,上面還有極光的照片真用心,這應該也是個祝房客會看到極光的好徵兆。

Check in也會送一張早餐卷,就在隔壁的Inari Hotel吃自助式早餐,我當天入住的是502房。
















天邊只剩一點點的綠色極光跟Inari aurora resort飯店的合照。

如果check out的時間辦公室還沒開的話,直接把磁卡丟進門口這個信箱就可以了。像Una隔天一早就是搭第一班巴士,所以就把磁卡丟進這信箱唷!

後來發現Inari Hotel網站的照片,像是附有桑拿室的房間,也改裝成跟Inari Aurora Resort的裝潢一模一樣。兩邊價錢都一樣,只是Inari Aurora Resort是新建的,所以住進去的感覺會更舒適。

感謝 公司的贊助這次在INARI的Inari Aurora Resort住宿和雪上摩托車追極光團,讓我實現跟肚中寶寶一起在芬蘭看到極光的願望。雖然這次待在Inari的時間很趕,大約13個小時,但已經有個很難忘的極光夜晚。


1.飯店就在Inari lake旁,追極光走幾步就到很方便。可以在房內先看窗外極光狀況,不用在外面受寒太久。


3.附贈Inari Hotel的自助式早餐。



Inari Aurora Resort Hotel 訂房資訊


飯店名稱Inari Aurora Resort Hotel

地址: Inarintie 38, FI – 99870 Inari, Lapland – Finland
7.12 – 31.3  Daily 9am- 7pm
1.4 – 6.12  Monday – Friday klo 9:30am – 5pm
電話: +358 (0)40 179 6069


飛機:可以搭Norwegian Air由赫爾辛基(Helsinki) 飛Ivalo,再由Ivalo機場搭巴士或計程車到Inari Aurora Resort。請先上網查好巴士接駁時間,不然就只能搭計程車了。


火車+巴士:赫爾辛基(Helsinki) 搭火車到羅馬涅米(Rovaniemi),再從羅馬涅米(Rovaniemi)搭早上的巴士到Inari約下午五點多。





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